Yoga Loka

I am Woman : Ecstatic Dance A sacred movement container for Women
with Isa Girona and Sarah Carlon

March 15 (Saturday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Class type

For centuries women have gathered to honor the passing of time, milestones, seasons and cycles of life. On March 15th, we will call upon Mother Earth and our sisters along the river to reclaim the statement - I am Woman.

This session will be a prayer through movement, honoring your form, your womb, and the many expressions of being a woman.
Through this community movement practice we will reflect, and be reflected by, our sisters while we anchor and drop into the heart.

Join us to reclaim the essence of being a woman!

Studio doors open at 6:15 PM, opening circle begins promptly at 6:30 PM.
Optional to bring a small vegetarian bite to share after. Tea & fruit will be provided. 

March 15th 

Sliding Scale: $22 (community), $33 (sustain) , $44 (abundance - pay it forward)


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